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Poster Guidelines

Poster Size and Layout

1. Poster size should be A0 (841 mm × 1189 mm) and should be arranged as portrait.

2. Make sure you clearly display the title of your project, your name, your department or faculty and institution.

3. We recommend a font size of at least 24pt to ensure the text is legible from a good distance.

4. If you want to provide handouts of your poster, we suggest you do this on A4 paper.

5. In order to make posters accessible, please remember that the colors red, blue and green in combination are difficult to read for some people.

6. Recommended font sizes:

Title: 96 pt

Authors: 72 pt

Affiliations: 36-48 pt

Section headings: 36 pt

Text: 24 pt

Acknowledgements: 18 pt

Design Tips

1 .Keep the material simple

  • Make full use of the space, but do not cramp a frame full of information, or crowd frames too close together.
  • Be concise with regard to both words and graphics.

2. Use colors sparingly, with effect

  • Use colors for emphasis, differentiation, and interest—not just to impress.
  • Avoid large expanses of bright garish colors—they will detract from your print and pictorial content.
  • Choose background and foreground colors that are contrasting and complement each other—for example, black or dark blue on light grey or white (it's better to keep the background the light color).

3. Use a font that is readable

  • Avoid using more than two font types.
  • Fonts that are easy on the eyes are Times Roman, Arial, Helvetica, and Garamond.
  • Avoid script or calligraphic fonts, arty fonts in general
  • Use underlined text, bold face or italics or combinations to emphasize words and phrases.
  • If you use bold italicized print for emphasis, then underlining is overkill.
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